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Stunning Anniversary Flowers

Stunning Flowers and Bouquets from Flowers & Home - Hand Prepared by Professional Local Florists.

Anniversary Flowers Birmingham


Show Someone You Love them with Beautiful Anniversary Flowers 


Got an important anniversary coming up? Flowers are the perfect gift to send. Who doesn't love a bunch of beautiful fresh flowers for an anniversary? Call the shop or pop in and our friendly team will choose the most stunning bouquet of flowers that will fit into your budget and your choice of flowers and then deliver them at a time that best suits you and the lucky person you're sending them too. All of our flower arrangements are made on-site and are unique to your order with the freshest flowers available. 


Not sure what to send? Take a look through our flower arrangements gallery, where we are adding new bouquets every day.


About Flowers & Home

We are an independent local florist who only chooses the highest quality flowers. We deliver all our own designed arrangements by hand, freshly made in our store by trained florists. Our skilled team of florists will put together the most gorgeous and gentle floral displays, as to your specifications, style, budget and occasion. 


We are open 6 days a week.

Please call us on 0121 730 2443 for orders and enquiries.


We also do: Wedding Flowers and Engagement Flowers


Roses Bouquet
Anniversary Flowers Birmingham
Red Roses for anniversary
Red Roses for anniversary
Pink Roses

We deliver our own bouquets and arrangements to these nearby locations in:

BirminghamBacon's End ,Bromford, Castle Bromwich, Castle ValeMarston GreenShard EndChelmsley Wood, Smiths Wood, Kingshurst, Minworth, Water OrtonColeshillSolihull


264a Chester Road, Castle Bromwich, Birmingham, B36 0LB

Get in Touch 

0121 730 2443


"This lady makes bouquets for all sorts of occasions. And does it to the highest standards x 100% recommended."


—  Julie Hanson, Facebook

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