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Flowers & Home Florist Logo
  • Flowers & Home Florist
  • Florist Castle Bromwich
  • Wedding Flowers
  • Funeral Flowers Castle Bromwich

"Amazing bouquet delivered with a smile. Excellent service and great value."

Chelmsley Wood Florist

Gorgeous Flowers from Flowers & Home - Hand prepared by professional Florists.

Looking for a florist near Chelmsley Wood?

Need a stunning bouquet of fresh flowers for a special occasion or loved one in Chelmsley Wood, Solihull? 

Flowers & Home are an independent local florist, we will deliver all our own designed flowers which are made by hand, freshly made in our store by trained florists. Our skilled team of florists will put together the most gorgeous and gentle floral displays, as to your specifications, style, budget and occasion. 


We are open 6 days a week from 9 am to 5 pm and we will deliver your flowers at a time that suits you.


Please call us on 0121 730 2443 for orders and enquiries or pop into our store and meet our friendly florists for a more personal service.


Need some help? Get in touch with team and see how we can help Contact Us


Example Flower Price List

  • Bouquets from £20

  • Hand-tied from £25

  • Arrangement from £20

  • Funeral Sheaves from £20

  • Sprays from £25

  • Wreaths from £30

Florist in Chelmsley Wood, Solihull
Flower Shop chelmsley wood
Funeral Wreath

Can you do Same Day Flower Delivery to Chelmsley Wood?

Yes, we do same day and next day delivery to Chelmsley Wood. Just call the shop by 12 pm and as long as we have everything you require we can deliver the bouquet that very same day.



Wedding Flowers

We love doing wedding flowers. We love the opportunity to be part of your special day. Please visit our wedding pages to find out more about our wedding flowers or call the shop for a chat.


Chelmsley Wood Funeral Florist

For those who are seeking funeral flowers in Chelmsley Wood, we are here to help. We provide beautiful funeral flowers for all your needs, be it for the church, the car, the wake, or for the graveside. See our Funeral Flowers page for more details.


Areas we deliver to near Chelmsley Wood:​​​


264a Chester Road, Castle Bromwich, Birmingham, B36 0LB


What our customers say about us

"This lady makes bouquets for all sorts of occasions. And does it to the highest standards x 100% recommended."

Julie Hanson - Facebook


"Wonderful flowers, love rainbow roses there my fav, absolutely fantastic customer service, 100% going back x"

Saffy Lois Hanson - Facebook


"My husband treated me to a gorgeous bouquet last week, they are still going strong a week later - would highly recommend"

Rachel Wall - Facebook


"Thank you so much for our beautiful flowers for our wedding reception. Absolutely loved them, they were perfect and still going strong! Thanks for all of your help too."

Kirsty Byrd  - Facebook


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